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Dongzhan Investment Holding Group Co., LTD.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for the Clothing IndustryIntroductionThis privacy policy sets out the commitment of our company to protect the privacy of individuals and their personal information. We are committed to handling personal information in a lawful, fair and transparent manner. This policy applies to our company's clothing business, including but not limited to the collection, use, disclosure, storage and deletion of personal information.
1. Collection of Personal InformationOur company may collect personal information from individuals, such as name, contact information, email address, payment information, clothing size and preferences, etc. This information is collected for the purpose of improving our services, fulfilling orders, sending notifications or promotional offers, and other related business activities.
2. Use of Personal InformationOur company uses personal information for the purposes stated in section 1 above. We may also use personal information for market research, trend analysis, product development and other business needs. We may share personal information with our business partners, service providers or other third parties for these purposes.
3. Disclosure of Personal InformationOur company may disclose personal information to third parties for the purposes stated in section 2 above. We may also disclose personal information to comply with legal requirements, such as taxes or other government agencies. We will not disclose personal information to third parties without the individual's consent unless otherwise required by law.
4. Storage and Security of Personal InformationOur company stores personal information in a secure manner and takes appropriate security measures to protect it from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. We use encryption and other security measures to protect sensitive information. We also regularly update and enhance our security measures to protect personal information.
5. Deletion of Personal InformationOur company retains personal information for a reasonable period of time to fulfill the purposes stated in section 2 above. Once the retention period has expired, we will delete or anonymize the personal information in a secure manner. We will also delete or anonymize sensitive information as soon as possible after it is no longer necessary for the purposes stated above.